"Make-up is a beautiful thing!"
~ My husband
Well ladies, let's face it... he's right ;-)
I'm a girly-girl... always have been. I love anything pink and I love anything make-up; Mary Kay was perfect for me from the beginning... but then I learned a little bit more about this amazing company.
Founded on the saying, "faith first, family second, & career third," Mary Kay is about more than girls, and pink, and make-up... it's about relationships. It's about priorities.
For me?
I love being a wife to Joey and Mommy to my sweet Hannah and Hunter... but there's something to be said for having that 'thing' that's just your own. No one can control my success but me and I have found such power in that! I WILL succeed because I CAN succeed!
I'm not in this to make a lot of money... honestly, I just don't have time for that right now. I sincerely love the Mary Kay skin care and color lines and want to see them empower women who mean a lot to me... the discount is nice, too ;-) If you see something you love or want to try, I want to make that possible for you so please, just ask and we can come up with a deal!
I'm not in this to make a lot of money... honestly, I just don't have time for that right now. I sincerely love the Mary Kay skin care and color lines and want to see them empower women who mean a lot to me... the discount is nice, too ;-) If you see something you love or want to try, I want to make that possible for you so please, just ask and we can come up with a deal!
It's as simple as that!
I have my hopes set high for my business....
* Meet amazing women
* Develop lasting relationships with those women
* Instill confidence and strength in them
Last but not least...
* Grow our adoption savings account by leaps and bounds!
Thank you for coming along with me on this exciting journey... never hesitate to let me know what I can do for you!
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
Psalm 139:14
** I accept payment via PayPal for all orders and accept cash and all credit cards for delivered orders**
*** We can also work out payment plans, too... let me know if this is something you're interested in learning more about ***
** I accept payment via PayPal for all orders and accept cash and all credit cards for delivered orders**
*** We can also work out payment plans, too... let me know if this is something you're interested in learning more about ***
(To learn more about our adoption journey, please visit us at On Loan From Heaven)